
Template for wiki entries

Page history last edited by Jim 18 years, 5 months ago

Page Name: The title of your entry should be the term, phrase, or concept you are showing us.


In the body of your entry, you should provide the following sub-sections. Each sub-section should have its own white box. You can put text into one of these white boxes by typing a space before the text. See the sandbox page for more tips on formatting.


Tell us where you came across this term. Make sure to include the author, book, and page number.



This section is a brief explanation of the term based on research. This section should be at least 50 words and no more than 100 words. Please note that the length of these entries does not indicate how easy or hard they are. Boiling down your wiki entry to 50-100 words will most likely prove difficult, but it will also force you to revise choose your words carefully. This section should not cite sources.


Suggestions for further reading:

This section should provide your reader with links, books, or articles that you think will help them if they choose to investigate this term or concept further. Your 50-100 explanation is going to be very brief, and this section is for people who want to dig a little deeper. For help on how to create linkes, check out the sandbox page.

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